With the new year only a few months away, have you started to think about the deductible season? Most patient insurance plans operate on a calendar year, which means the deductible season will begin on January 1st. During this time, many DME providers might experience lower insurance reimbursements.
How can you prevent this lower revenue option? A practical and effective opportunity to help you generate revenue is to focus on a year-end push for resupply patients. Right now is the ideal time to focus on resupplying patients with their DME items by contacting those due for a resupply.
The Value a Year-End Push for Resupply Offers
You can guarantee that DME shipments can be prepared and sent out in December by planning ahead and starting now towards the last quarter push for resupplies. By following up with patients in October, you can make sure the correct equipment quantities are distributed. This timeframe ensures the resupply patients would be eligible to dispense in December.
A three-month supply should cover your patient through February. Then by the end of February, the patient should be close to (if not already) meeting their deductible.
Explaining the Importance of Resupply to Patients
Some patients may not be aware of the value DME resupply offers. Training your staff to explain the importance of resupply will help educate patients on its value. It could even ensure ongoing resupply throughout the year and not just before the deductible season.
Also, learning how you can be a source of ongoing education to the patient can help you gain their trust and show your knowledge on equipment information. By becoming a trusted educational source for the patient, they will value your recommendations on the care of their equipment, become repeat customers, and refer new patients to you.
5 Patient Benefits of Resupply
- Ensures ongoing compliance, which allows patients to receive the most benefit
- Health risks from using outdated or damaged equipment
- Improves the comfort and quality of daily life experiences
- Most Medicare and other insurances will cover the replacement costs
- Value of resupply for short-term and long-term equipment
Common DME Replacement Options for Patients
Here are some everyday items that patients need to replace.
- Blood sugar testing supplies
- Test strips
- Lancet devices
- Lancets
- CPAP supplies
- Full face cushions
- Disposable filters
- Nasal cushion pillows
- Tubing
- Humidifier chamber
The Medbill Customer Commitment
The Medbill team is committed to providing our customers with quality and trusted services. Our team can become a support system for your billing staff, working daily to make sure your claims are submitted on time, paid, and are audit ready.
Contact our team to learn more about our DME billing services.