NCAMES: New Dates for the 2014 Winter Meeting

NCAMES Winter Meeting Has Been Rescheduled due to Weather.

Feb. 10-11, 2014

Grandover Resort – Greensboro, NC

Our apologies for the change in dates but obviously your safety was our first priority! A huge Thank You to all the speakers for being so accomodating and willing to change schedules to make this NCAMES Winter Meeting possible.

Meeting Attendees:

All meeting registrations that were made for the original dates will be automatically rolled over for Feb. 10-11. In the event you can not attend, you can substitute attendees or request a refund by contacting with new names or make your request.
YOU HAVE 8 more days to register for the new dates if now you are able to attend…

Hotel Information:

All Reservations made under the NCAMES Group for the Jan 28-29 meeting have been cancelled without any penalty. Please call the Grandover Resort at 336-294-1800 (One Thousand Club Road, Greensboro, NC 27407) to secure your reservation for the new dates with the same low group rate of $153 by January 31 – HURRY! Visit for more hotel info.


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