Attention North Carolina Medicaid Providers: NC Tracks Update

NCAMES: NC Tracks Update

NCAMES has learned that provider numbers are being cut off in NC Tracks due to pharmacy permits not being updated as they have been renewed.

NCAMES is very concerned about this process as providers haven’t been given any notification to update this or that it was going to be turned off. With the backlog log of manage change requests NCAMES is concerned that this will be happening to providers where the manage change request is caught in a backlog.

NCAMES has asked DMA and CSC to:

  • – Immediately stop all termination activity for this in NC TRacks and
  • – Develop a communication plan for a deadline for these updates to occur by providers and a plan for catch up of manage change requests to occur prior to any terminations

Meanwhile, please contact the Help Desk for Manage Change Requests for resolution.

Beth Bowen, exec. dir.