The next year is one filled with changes for Medicare providers. Understanding those changes now can help make implementation a easier experience. For information on earning continuing education credit for attending CMS provider education calls, please see the CMS CE information page.
Below is a list of some upcoming CMS National Provider Calls and links to register as a participant.
ICD-10 and Administrative Simplification
ICD-10 Basics: Benefits, Coding Information, Training, Timelines, and Resources
Thu, August 22, 1:30-3:00 PM ET
EHR Incentive Program
Payment Adjustments and Hardship Exceptions for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program
Thursday, August 15, 1:30-3:00 PM ET
PQRS Program
Getting Started with PQRS: Implications for the Value-based Payment Modifier
Archived video slideshow presentation
ACO Shared Savings Program
Medicare Shared Savings Program Application Question and Answer Session
Archived audio and transcript
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