Join the Fight to Save Homecare



Join the Fight to Save Homecare!

AAHomecare Washington Legislative Conference
May 22-23, 2013
Capital Hilton – Washington, DC

Homecare providers are facing significant challenges in the areas of competitive bidding, audit policy, new requirements for physicians prescribing home medical equipment, and other threats and barriers to Medicare reimbursement.

The AAHomecare Washington Legislative Conference is your opportunity to make your case to Congress and discuss how these critical issues affect your patients and your business. For two days in May, we need you to come to Washington to fight for and protect the needs of the homecare community.

Specifically, the Washington Legislative Conference is the best opportunity for homecare providers to meet face-to-face with their legislators before the implementation of Round 2 to enlist their support for the Market Pricing Program.

Last year, homecare providers from across the country blanketed Capitol Hill and made hundreds of visits to congressional offices. Will you help make an even bigger impression this year?

Reduced registration fees and the two-day meeting format make the AAHomecare Washington Legislative Conference more affordable than ever:

  • • AAHomecare Member – $49
  • • Non-member – $99

Register online or use this form to register by fax or mail.

Make your hotel reservation by contacting the Capital Hilton Hotel directly at 1-800-445-8667 or 202-393-1000. The group rate is $299 for single/double occupancy; use Group Code ASH to receive the discount. The hotel reservation deadline for the discounted group rate is April 29.

  • • Questions about registration? Contact Ika Sukh. / 202-372-0744
  • • Questions about Capitol Hill visits? Contact Gordon Barnes. / 202-372-0759

VGM and Associates is once again sponsoring AAHomecare’s appointment concierge, who sets up the congressional office meetings for most of the conference attendees.

The MED Group sponsors the congressional directories given to conference attendees.

Join your peers in Washington and fight for the future of homecare!

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April 23rd, 2013