What does HME stand for

What Does HME Stand For?

In the world of medical care, there will never be a shortage of abbreviations. The sheer volume of acronyms can, at times, be overwhelming, even for healthcare providers.    One …

What is HME?

What Is HME?

If you’re new to the medical field, you may be wondering: What is HME, and what does it have to do with billing? You have questions, and we have answers. …

What to Expect from HME Billing Services?

Operating a successful Home Medical Equipment (HME) business requires significant time, money, and resources. Between staying up to date on industry guidelines, implementing and maintaining an effective billing process, and …

What is HME Billing?

Due to its complex nature, many people ask the question, “what is HME billing?” Home Medical Equipment, or HME, billing is when claims are submitted to an insurance company for …