St. Charles, MO Contemplating Outsourcing EMS Billing Services

Outsourcing Billing Services often allows employee efforts to focus on other pressing matters. However, the St. Charles public is unhappy with the timing of the decision.

Not more than three years ago the City of St. Charles dumped over $130,000 into a software package they thought would provide a more efficient platform for billing and collecting emergency medical service claims internally. Now that the system has been purchased and is being utilized, City officials are questioning the exact increase in efficiency and billing timlieness they are seeing from thier investment.

Rick Daly, the St. Charles Fire Chief, informed the council that an internal audit had found faults in thier current software. Although just purchased recently, there were “identified deficiencies related to efficiency and compliance with Medicare/Medicaid billing guidelines.” This raised concern bringing the council to hire an outside consultant in order to evaluate the current systems and processes.

The independant consultant recommended an outside billing service citing efficiency and compliance issues as well as excessive turnover in the billing department and cost of continual training on the new system associated with the turnover.

The St. Charles City Council approved Daly’s recommendation to investigate outsourcing the work effort to a billing service.

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